Use this tool to search the website. To search organizations by service type and neighborhood, try using the Map Tool and searching the Database on page "Get Data"

Reliable Information on Social Service Organizations & Free Community Resources

Search Engine Hints, Tips, and Notes

Searching Hints:

  • multiple search fields are optional.  However, you may use all of the search fields: (1) Services, (2) Population, (3) Art Activites, and (4) Neighborhood/ Intersection to search for organizations. (NOTE: you may also search “Organization Name”).  To ignore a specific search field, Type or Click nothing. i.e. Leave the text field or drop-down blank. Or click **no specification**)
  • multiple search terms Results, this search engine will display results true for ALL (i.e. AND) search terms that you specify.  i.e. selecting Multiple Search Fields, limits results to organizations that fulfill all selected search criteria.
  • multiple searches, make sure to reset or clear all unnecessary fields and text if you would like to run/ completing another search with different criteria.

Common Results Problems:

  • No Results?  Create a new search using less specifiers.  i.e. use the  “**no specification** option for 1 or 2 Search terms or do not type in a specific Neighborhood or Address.  Remember when selecting  multiple search terms this search engine will display results true for ALL (i.e. AND) search terms.
  • Too many Results?  Create a new search using more terms (i.e. choose a term for “population” and Neighborhood or Address).
  • Other Results Errors: If the results of your query freeze or do not load properly or don’t return the results you would expect, “Refresh” the page with your browser’s refresh button. If that doesn’t work, try clearing out your browser’s cache through the “History” options in your browser’s settings. If that still doesn’t work, please be patient for about 10 minutes, the site may be undergoing maintenance. Finally, if there are still problems, please report them to the site author by e-mail: or through the contact form, this will be very appreciated.

Map vs. List View:

  • Map View: Default view.  Click on the blue marker for more detailed reports including contact information.  You may need to “reset” or refresh the page, if the map freezes, or if the pop-up information for each organization’s blue marker results does not appear.
  • List View: Click on the “List View” for more detailed and printable reports including contact information.  SCROLL DOWN ↓ to view & print listed results. (Maximum Number of Results Displayed:  75 Total)

Cell Phone Hints:

  • Some Search Results may be hidden. You may have to zoom out of your cell phone screen or scroll to the right in order to fully visualize Search Results.

Printing Hints:

  • In order to print a full list that is formatted properly, you need to click the “List View” Button next to the “Search” button in the Search Toolbar to the left of the map.  Then, try to Print.

Browser Errors:

  • Mozilla Firefox Browser: you must have installed the most updated version of Firefox; otherwise, you may experience loading and formatting errors.
  • Internet Explorer: First ask why am I using IE.  Then, you must also have the most updated version of Internet Explorer as well.  IE 8 and 9 will cause JavaScript errors.
  • Safari and Chrome: There are no known errors with these browsers, but they may need updating if you experience any loading or formatting incompletions or errors.